my cuk muncung.pls play with him while im not at home.tq

My Fav On9 Shopping

Were is daddy???

The Boy : ماما \ Mum
Ηaifa : يا عيون ماما \ yes, (You're) my eyes ?
The Boy : بابا فين \ where's daddy
Haifa : بابا نام \ daddy has slept
The Boy : يا سلام \ oh really
Haifa : عايز ايه \ what do you want
The Boy : عايز ادخل الحمام \ i want to enter the bathroom

Haifa : بطل يا ود انت شقاوة بقا ، و الا عشان روحي فيك متعلقة \ hey bοy stop playing, or you're doing that because you cought my soul
The Boy : يا ماما يالله بسرعة افتحي بقا \ oh Mum, come on and hurry up, open the door

The Boy : طب بصي هاقولك ، أنا أكلت الكوكو ، خلصت الكوكو ، كان حلو الكوكو ، و انا باكل الكوكو ، وسخت ايديا \ ok look, i'll tell you something, i ate the chicken, it has been finished, it was delicious, and when i was eating it, my hands became dirty
Haifa :طب بص هاقولك ، هاتروح على قوضتك ، و هاتدخل قوضتك ، و هاتطالع فوطتك ، و انا ثانية و جاية \ ok look, you should go to your room, and enter your room, and carry your hanky, and i'll be there in 1 minute

The Boy : طب خلاص خلاص خلاص \ ok, it's ok
Haifa : يالله خلاص خلاص خلاص \ ok, it's ok

Haifa : حبيبي عمل الواجب و الا اتنسى \ my kid has done him homework, or it has been forgotten
The Boy : يا ماما بكرة الجمعة ما فيش مدرسة \ Oh mum, tomorrow is friday, there's no school

Haifa : طب حقك على راسي يا حبيبي سوري \ ah it's ok, my kid, i'm sorry
The Boy : ماما عادي ، ماما ايزي ، ماما دونت ووري \ it's ok mum, mum it's easy, mum don't worry

The Boy : طب فين الدبدوب ، و القرد النونو ، و عروسة الباربي ، و الاورج الغربي ، و سبايدر مان \ ok, but where are my bear, and the little monkey, and the barbie, and the piano, and the spider man
Haifa :عايز كل ده\ oh do you want all of that

Haifa : طب بص هاقولك ، هاتروح للدادا ، و تقول للدادا ، و تجيبهوم دادا ، يابو نص لسان \ ok look i'll say something, you should go to your sibling, and say to him, and carry him, oh my kid
The Boy : it's ok, ok
Haifa : it's ok, ok
The Boy : it's ok, ok
Haifa : ok i understood, it's ok

Haifa : ابدا يا اخواتي مش معقول ، يكون ده دماغ واد في سنة اولى \ oh people, it's unbelievable, that it's a brain of a boy in the grade 1 ( he's thinking\talking as older people)

The Boy : بابا فين \ where's daddy
Haifa : بابا نام \ daddy has slept
The Boy : يا سلام \ oh really
Haifa : عايز ايه \ what do you want
The Boy : عايز أضربلو سلام \ i want to say hi to him __________________♥ ♥ ♥
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