my cuk muncung.pls play with him while im not at home.tq

My Fav On9 Shopping

HALAL HARAM dan Status Hukum Skim Infinity Downline @ Login Facebook Dapat RM 100

 Bermacm2 peluang biz yang tumbuh bagaikan cendawan tumbuh... dan baguslah klu kite ingin merebut peluang yang ade.tetapi biz yang bagaimana ditawarkan? produk ape? latar belakang company,yg penting halal kah. haram kah...
kepada sesiapa yang mempuyai laman FB.."setiap kali login ke Facebook  sudah pasti iklan yang berbunyi : Login Facebook Dapat RM 100 dipaparkan oleh sahabat-sahabat kita yang sudah menyertai skim tersebut. Sekali pandang, amat menarik. Siapa yang tak nak kerja mudah, kan? Bukan susah sangat, login Facebook boleh dapat RM100." kata seorang teman. dan katanyer lagi.saya ada buat sedikit kajian mengenai program ini. Ini kerana ada dakwaan bahawa Kementerian Penerangan, Kebudayaan dan Komunikasi berminat dengan program ini. Saya pun SMS seorang rakan saya yang bekerja di Bank Negara (bahagian pemantauan dan siasatan skim cepat kaya) mengenainya. Menurut beliau, jangan percaya kerana mengikut logik, skim-skim ini semua berunsurkan Quick Rich Scheme. Beliau turut memberitahu terdapat beberapa skim yang sedang di bawah siasatan BNM iaitu HMEO (Help Muslim Each Other), Skim Ta’awun (menderma sambil beramal) dan beberapa lagi program yang lain. Beliau minta supaya saya berpesan kepada rakan-rakan yang ada terlibat dalam skim ini supaya cepat-cepat ambil modal anda atau BERHENTI daripada meneruskan program ini supaya anda tidak HILANG DUIT apabila BNM mula mengambil tindakan.

Selain merujuk kepada rakan yang bekerja di BNM, saya juga telah menyiasat melalui Encik Google dan akhirnya terjumpalah dengan artikel yang ditulis oleh Ustaz Zaharuddin. Apa yang dapat disimpulkan oleh Ustaz Zahiruddin tentang Program Login Facebook Dapat RM 100 adalah :-
1)      Latarbelakang syarikat ID diragui dan bermasalah.
2)      Produk ID adalah tiruan, tidak punyai nilai sebenar, bercampur intipati yang haram dan tidak diperlukan oleh majority ahli. Ini menjadikan penyertaan ke skim ID adalah kerana inginkan pulangan melalui system reverse 2 up.
3)      Akibat produk tidak berkualiti, tidak relevan dan yang dipromosi adalah lebih kepada sistem komisyen, setiap yuran yang dibayar adalah dengan niat dan hasrat untuk mendapat lebih banyak keuntungan tanpa sebarang jual beli sebenar, tatkala itu riba al-Fadl dan An-Nasiah berlaku. Ini adalah kerana komisyen disandar kepada yuran dan bukan jualan produk.
4)      Yuran bulanan USD 25 menjatuhkan ia di dalam unsur maysir atau perjudian.
 pada sy..kiranye benarlah anda2 diluar sana perlukan duit lbh,ingin mnjana pendapatan, tdk salah kiranye berusaha lbh keras... tidak slh join mane2 MLM yg mempunyai produk2 yg bagus utk anda mncari rezki yang bersih dan semestinya HALAL.yang semestinye tidak akan mnganiya org lain,terjebak dgn riba,tidak ade was-was.melibatkan org lain dlm kesesatan. 
utk keterangan lanjut. sila klik disini.
Status Hukum Skim Infinity Downline @ Login Facebook Dapat RM 100

why we are here....

someone asked me why we r here? n i noticed she/he looked very sad..
dear frenzz.. we are here for a special reason love ourselves,to love others ofcoz.. and love God.yup we r here for all dis special bring joy,happiness n success. we r lucky
person in our ownway n by normal stndards..hari tak selalu is not always a bed of roses,n ppl who succeed do not hav fewer problems than those who fail..i admit it..chill whenever there is a setbacks. it is ok.. it is not da problem dat matters,it is how we perceive situations n tackle them..dat make da whole difference!! everyone is their own person and different in some way..everyone is me..
like i said.. masa tuh umpama jantung kite yg still berdenyut our heartbeat, whatever will be..will be.. que sera sera..what will be..will be.. life is precious n so r we..keep smiling dear..dont be tahzan.. bu yau ku..
life is really like a mirror..we get da best results n feedback when we smile n laugh often..''laugh and the world laughs with you" see u till then... ;) take care

The One Simple Step To Saving Your Cat’S Life

Why would you feed your cat ‘natural’ cat food? Why, you ask. Because they are going to be much healthier than if they are fed cat foods that are manufactured using high heat. These foods tend to be high in preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and many other items that are not considered a healthy alternative for your cat.

The owners of cats who take their food seriously will opt for a more natural cat food versus the mass produced type. Since cats are hunters, they are accustomed to eating meat. The meat-by products that are in canned food do not contain the high amount of animal protein that is required by cats.

Amino acids, which are an ingredient in animal protein, are used by cats to grow up healthy and continue to be healthy. One such ingredient is taurine. If a cat’s diet lacks this particular nutrient, they can become blind.

The diet required by cats is not covered in canned and dry cat foods. You may not even realize that the food you are feeding your cat is harming him. Just as you do not realize that some of the products used in cat food are items that cannot be used in human food. Unintentionally our cats are being starved of the foods that they need to be healthy and survive.

By giving your cat the most natural cat food that is available, you may be prolonging his life and the quality of it. Some of the best foods for cats are lean ground meat such as beef. You can mix the beef with a vegetable and brown rice. Whole grains are also good for cats. The home made food can be cooked or it can be served raw. It really depends on your cat’s preferences.

Experts lean towards a raw diet because it is more like the one they would be eating if they were still in the wild. While many people oppose this because they are concerned with the pet getting food poisoning from the raw meat, there has been no instance of this happening. As long as the food is fresh, there should be no worries on this point.

Just feeding your cat vegetables is not a good idea. The cat’s diet has to be as close to the one he would eat in the wild as possible. Protein, which is one of the most important parts of a diet are only found in meats and some vegetables.

Organic cat food should not be confused with natural cat food. The organic is grown using no pesticides. Although now we are learning that farmers are allowed by the FDA to use a limited amounts of pesticides and still call their food ‘organic’.

Natural means the food has the vitamins and minerals still intact that your cat will need to develop and remain healthy. Natural cat food is being used by more and more cat lovers daily. The only problem with natural cat foods is the over-processing that it must undergo. And after so much cooking and boiling, most of the nutrients that are reinserted in the food are of an artificial nature. The next step in this unhealthy cycle is of course to then introduce perservatives to maintain color, taste and balance. It is a vicious cycle indeed and our cats are suffering for it. No responsible cat owner would ever settle for feeding his or her cat dangerous crap for the sake of convenience.